
Berlin (dpa / bb) - The Education and Science Union (GEW) is urging rapid corona vaccinations for around 33,000 educators in Berlin daycare centers.

"We are therefore committed to ensuring that educators are prioritized when vaccinating," said GEW state chairwoman Doreen Siebernik of the German press agency.

"It's not just about protecting the colleagues themselves, but also about preventing chains of infection in the facilities."

Siebernik referred to a study by the AOK, according to which educators are particularly at risk in the pandemic.

"The job of educator is number 1 on the list of the most dangerous professions in Corona times," she said.

"No other professional group was so frequently on sick leave due to a Covid-19 infection between March and October 2020."

At the moment, daycare centers in Berlin are offering emergency care during lockdown - not least for children whose parents belong to important professional groups.

Many facilities are still well filled.


The federal government decides on the sequence of vaccinations on the recommendation of the Standing Vaccination Commission.

Educators or teachers are currently listed in a third group with "higher priority" and therefore, in view of the shortage of vaccine quantities, will not be there for longer.

Currently people over 80, nursing home residents, and nurses and medical staff in hospitals are being vaccinated.

They have “top priority”.

The next group with "high priority" includes people over 70, resident doctors and police officers.

Recently, 13,000 Berlin educators had signed a “fire letter” within a short period of time in which the GEW called on the Senate to do more for the occupational health and safety of employees.

The requirements also include at least two FFP2 masks per day for every employee, rapid tests, air filter systems for all facilities and the recognition of the consequences of an infection with Covid-19 as an occupational disease.


GEW boss Siebernik pointed out in this context that the state of Berlin approved 45 million euros in the fall so that daycare providers can make special care offers for particularly vulnerable children and educators from risk groups.

“These can be smaller groups or fixed groups for particularly vulnerable children, it can be outreach care,” she explained.

Educators could be allowed to stay at home.

Actually a good thing, according to Siebernik, but: "Unfortunately, the sponsors still cannot call up the money because the Senate Administration has still not provided the necessary application form."

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SARS-CoV-2 Infection Protection Ordinance

Corona situation in Berlin

Federal vaccination ordinance