
Munich (dpa) - From the point of view of Bavaria's Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU), a detailed step-by-step plan with corona opening steps is difficult to implement.

"But I am already warning you a bit that we have, so to speak, well-practiced step-by-step plans with eight, nine or ten stages, which may then be scheduled for the day and then cannot be kept," said Söder on Sunday in the ARD report from Berlin".

«Driving on sight is annoying.

But driving on sight is the only thing that really helps.

Because the challenger we are facing - Corona - adheres to deadlines that we set. "

Söder said that prospects would be discussed at the federal-state consultations on Wednesday.

There will be sure to be - «very clearly».

"How and for how long and to what extent, that still has to be discussed."

It is important to send smaller signals - for example in personal services such as hairdressers.

“But everything is sensible step by step,” said the CSU boss.

"A way like in other countries, now with an incidence of almost 140, just open everything, and as the FDP sometimes demands, a few masks and tests on top of that, unfortunately that didn't work."

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