
Leipzig (dpa / sn) - After possibly racist statements in the context of a traffic education in front of elementary school students and teachers, no investigation against a Leipzig police officer.

The examination of the facts did not reveal any initial suspicion of a criminal offense, especially sedition, said the Leipzig public prosecutor's office on request.

The statements that became known did not call for violent or arbitrary measures against foreigners living in Germany, nor were they to be seen as incitement to hatred within the meaning of the law, it was said to justify.

According to the Leipzig Police Department, the police chief had publicly expressed prejudices about people with a migration background in early September.

According to the public prosecutor's office, the statements made by the police officer could not undermine the human dignity of those affected.

Therefore, the initiation of an investigation against the police officer was refrained from, said a spokesman for the authority.

The official investigations against the suspended man are still ongoing, as the Leipzig Police Department announced.

In contrast, the investigations against another Leipzig official who is suspected of right-wing extremism have not yet been concluded, according to the public prosecutor.

This is said to have expressed extremist and racist comments in a chat.

This officer was also excluded from duty.


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