Mario Draghi, Christine Lagarde (archive photo AP Photo / Andrew Medichini)

  • Government, Draghi's consultations.

    Salvini: "League available" M5s: "We need a political majority"

  • Mario Draghi's consultations with political forces

  • Consultations Draghi, Crimi (M5s): if the government is formed we will be there with loyalty


07 February 2021 "Italy and Europe are fortunate that Mario Draghi has accepted the challenge of helping to end Italy's economic and social crisis, at a time when this is the Eurozone country hit hardest by the pandemic".

Christine Lagarde, president of the ECB, says this about the task of forming the government given to her predecessor at the Eurotower.

"I have full confidence - says Lagarde in an interview with the French Journal Du Dimanche - that Mario Draghi will rise to the challenge. He has all the qualities that are needed: he has the competence, courage and humility necessary" to "make restart the Italian economy with the help of Europe ".