1 confirmed case of Ebola found in Congo (DRC)

  Congo's Minister of Health Rondodo said on the 7th that North Kivu province in the east of the country has reported a new confirmed case of Ebola.

  It is understood that the confirmed case is a woman who is the wife of a previous Ebola survivor.

She first developed symptoms on February 1 and died on February 3.

  Health Minister Rondodo said that samples taken from the confirmed patients were sent to the laboratory of the National Institute of Biomedical Research in Kinshasa and tested positive for Ebola virus disease.

Currently, close contacts of confirmed cases are being tracked.

  On November 18, 2020, the Congo (DRC) government announced that the country's 11th Ebola epidemic had ended, and this round of epidemic broke out in Equateur Province.

At present, more than 40,000 people in Congo (DRC) have been vaccinated against Ebola.

(Headquarters reporter Yang Qiong)