On Friday, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs confirmed that a Swedish diplomat will be deported from Russia.

Several news agencies reported that the diplomat had taken part in a demonstration for opposition politician Alexei Navalny.

Something that was rejected by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and on Sunday, Sweden's Foreign Minister Ann Linde (S) commented on it all in Agenda.

- It is completely unacceptable, I talked to our diplomat who had a week to leave, he has only observed the demonstrations and it is part of a diplomat's job to see what happens and report on it home, says Linde.

"Will respond in a clear way"

Diplomats from Poland and Germany will also be deported from Russia.

- We have coordinated with Germany and Poland over the weekend and we will respond in a clear way.

Will you expel any diplomat here in Sweden?

- We will publish it together because it will be stronger to show that we are not alone in this.

"May be relevant"

But could it be relevant to deport a Russian diplomat here in Sweden?

- It may very well become relevant.

But the Russian ambassador to Sweden?

- I do not know if he was called this afternoon last Friday or on Monday, but it is a matter of course, Linde says.

May be more sanctions

After the poisoning of Navalny, Russia has received sanctions from the EU and there may be more.

- What you can do is mark through various sanctions, which the EU has already done.

But there may be more sanctions, says Ann Linde.