
Renningen (dpa / lsw) - Two people were seriously injured in a serious accident near Renningen (Böblingen district).

An overtaking maneuver by a 41-year-old driver on federal highway 295 failed on Sunday afternoon, the police announced.

His car crashed into the oncoming car of a 33-year-old.

This came down an embankment.

According to a spokesman, the vehicle's windshield and cover were torn off by the force of the impact.

The car of the person who caused the accident skid back into the right-hand lane, turned 180 degrees, hit a concrete sliding wall and the car of the 28-year-old that he had wanted to overtake.

Another car was damaged by debris flying around.

The 41-year-old and the 33-year-old were trapped in their cars and had to be rescued by the fire department.

They were taken to the hospital seriously injured.

28-year-old was uninjured.

The scene of the accident was completely closed until the afternoon.


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