An American woman with seven-year-old twin brothers and sisters complained of the'dangers' of baby toys.

According to foreign media such as ABC on the 4th local time, Lisa Hoelzl from Churchville, Pennsylvania recently shared a shocking photo of her daughter Abigail on social media.

In the picture, Abigail's hair is hung with big and small circular toys.

Countless toys are tangled between the messy hair.

Another photo shows a failed attempt to remove the toy.

As the tribe of pulling the toy out worsened, the toy and the tightly formed hair sprang up like horns.

This is how Mr. Hoelzl explained.

After the online class, the twins were playing together in a toy room.

However, there was a toy'Bunchem' that had the property of sticking together.

Bunchem is a small ball-shaped toy with a number of'legs', and even without glue, the legs are tangled and fixed together to create the desired shape.

However, since these legs stick to any thin and long object, they can easily get tangled in human hair as well as dog hair.

"It was my worst nightmare in my life," Hoelzl explained, "except for the time I slept from 4pm when I first found Abigail's head until 10pm the next night."

Even though I expected the worst of all of the hair, Mr. Hoelzl worked for 20 hours to keep Abigail's long hair.

"Only after the accident," Hoelzl explained, "I found a small warning on the toy box saying,'Your hair could get tangled'."

He then said, "Rather than blaming the toy company entirely, I thought that I should directly inform more people about the dangers of this toy," he said, saying the reason for sharing her daughter's story on social media.

The toy company, who heard the story, delivered an apology to Mr. Hoelzl via email and phone, saying, "Complaints about the toy have been steadily received from the past. It is not currently being produced."

This is'News Pick'.

(Photo ='Lisa Tschirlig Hoelzle' Facebook,'bunchems' Instagram)