The U.S. Department of Defense said on the 5th (local time) that it plans to finalize the review of the deployment of US troops around the world by mid-year.

Pentagon spokesman John Kirby told a press briefing that "the Department of Defense will conduct a review of US military deployments around the world, including the scope of the US military presence, resources and strategies."

"This review will help the Secretary of Defense advise commanders on how to best distribute military forces while pursuing our national interests," said Kirby. "The Deputy Minister for Policy will lead in close cooperation with the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. "I will."

“We will work closely with our allies and partners as we proceed with this review,” he said. “We expect the review to be completed by the middle of this year.”

President Biden said in a foreign policy speech to the State Department on Wednesday that the Department of Defense will review the deployment of US troops around the world to ensure that the US presence is properly aligned with foreign policy and national security priorities.

It also said plans to cut US troops in Germany will be suspended while the review is underway.

At the end of July last year, the Trump administration announced a plan to reduce about 12,000, or about 12,000, a third of the 36,000 US troops in Germany, but it stopped doing so.

With 28,000 US troops stationed in Korea, the review of the US military relocation by the United States could affect Korea as well.

Although there is no known keynote or direction of the Biden administration, there are observations that a review will be made to reinforce the Indo-Pacific region in light of the fact that it has taken a national defense policy that prioritizes China's checks.

In addition, the US has shown that it is putting more emphasis on the strategy of increasing the flexibility of the troops by increasing the rotational arrangements that are stationed for a certain period of time rather than regular stationing.

Spokesman Kirby replied to the question of whether the reduction of US troops in Afghanistan would proceed independently of the review, with the intention that it was a decision to be made in consultation with the allied NATO forces operating in the region.

The United States decided to withdraw US troops by May this year through a peace agreement signed with the Taliban in February last year during the Trump administration, but foreign media reports that they will remain stationed after May due to failure to meet conditions.