
Leipzig (dpa / sn) - "The weekend will be chaotic with a lot of snow and heavy snowdrifts" - a spokesman for the German Weather Service (DWD) expects.

While Friday starts mild and rainy, there will be occasional little snowfall on Saturday night.

During the day, the temperatures drop widely on Saturday into the frost area.

In the midday hours, coming from the south, more snowfall can be expected.

During the day it spreads the snowfall area further north.

Intensive snowfall must therefore be expected south of Leipzig and Dresden.

In the night on Sunday the snow area moves further north and up to 20 centimeters of fresh snow can fall in large parts of Saxony.

A cold wind from the east pushes the temperatures down to minus eight degrees and leads to considerable snow drifts.


«In general, the weather situation is a bit chaotic.

It is not yet entirely clear where exactly the snow lines are, ”said a spokesman for the DWD.

Sunday will be similarly cold with up to 15 centimeters of fresh snow and heavy snowdrifts.

Only in the night of Monday do the snowfall and wind decrease a little.

The coming week, however, remains cold in winter with up to 15 degrees minus even in lower altitudes.

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Weather forecast Saxony German weather service