
Göttingen (dpa / lni) - The operator of a Göttingen fitness studio has successfully defended himself against the corona-related closure of his studio before the local administrative court.

A maximum of two people were allowed to use the equipment in the training room without instruction.

After each change of visitors it was disinfected.

The city of Göttingen had forbidden the plaintiff to do so.

The court announced on Friday that this closing order is likely to be illegal.

As a justification, the man had submitted that he does not run a fitness studio, but enables individual sports that are permitted according to the Lower Saxony Corona Ordinance.

(Ref .: 4 B 22/21)

In the opinion of the judges, the risk of infection in private studios is no greater than in facilities for recreational and amateur sports, where two people are allowed to be active.

The admissibility of individual sport is based on the health-promoting effects of sport.

This effect could not be denied to physical activity in fitness studios, it said.

The city can lodge a complaint against the decision with the Lower Saxony Higher Administrative Court in Lüneburg within two weeks.

The Hanover Administrative Court had already given a fitness studio operator right on Monday.

The woman had developed a concept in which she sublet her studio to a person or household by the hour in order to enable individual sports.


© dpa-infocom, dpa: 210205-99-318040 / 2

Press release Administrative Court of Göttingen