
Mainz (dpa / lrs) - The number of sick leave in Rhineland-Palatinate in the Corona year 2020 has fallen slightly according to an evaluation by the Techniker Krankenkasse.

On average, every employed person was on sick leave for 16.1 days, the Techniker Krankenkasse announced on Thursday.

In 2019 the average was 16.3 days.

A total of around 255,000 cases of illness were recorded, 38,000 fewer than in the previous year.

The number of days off was therefore over four million.

In total, around 250,000 employed people in Rhineland-Palatinate are insured with Techniker Krankenkasse.

The head of the Rhineland-Palatinate state representation, Jörn Simon, pointed out that in 2020 it was at times easier than usual to get a certificate for colds.

Because of the pandemic, patients no longer had to go to a practice themselves, but could have the certificate issued by phone or video consultation.

Nevertheless, the number of sick leave and sick days has decreased.

"This shows that the insured use these instruments very conscientiously."

The main reason for sick leave in 2020 was therefore diseases of the musculoskeletal system, diagnoses of mental disorders and diseases of the respiratory system.


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