Updated Thursday, 4February2021- 10:57

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If you know who the "Tele Clowns" are, surely you will be able to hum some of their songs and the one titled "Days of the Week" will sound familiar to you, in which they talked about a girl who never had time to do what she wanted. He liked it because he always had to do housework.

Many years have passed and many things have changed during all this time.

The idea that the woman is the one who dedicates herself, almost exclusively, to doing housework while the man works outside the home and the children occupy their time studying or entertaining themselves with leisure activities, no longer adapts to the reality of these days.

This is something that


, leader of detergents for washing machines in Spain, wanted to highlight in his latest campaign, in which he encourages the little ones to get involved and help out at home, be it putting in the washing machine, ironing, sewing or doing any other activity that has to do with the home.

With this objective, together with the

Little House Owners Association



held a workshop in which boys and girls were asked about the lyrics of "The days of the week."

The reactions did not wait and, in a majority way, they pointed in the same direction: the rejection of the old clichés that pigeonhole women as solely responsible for domestic tasks.

The days of the week - the clowns on TV

Many recognized that they should be more involved in housework.

Something for which the example of parents, according to

Ana Sancho, founder of Pequeños Amos de Casa

, is essential: "It is important that adults set an example. A child does what he sees at home. When you form a family you have to know that from moment zero these values ​​can be transmitted ".

For our brand, it is key to state that the laundry can be done by any of the household members, because Ariel's technology is responsible for cleaning the stains.

Sarah Chemouli, Director of Ariel

And we must not forget that gender inequality in household chores can begin in the stages of childhood and adolescence.

According to a study by the

Autonomous University of Barcelona

, adolescents spend an average of 30 minutes more than adolescents doing housework (a figure that increases to 45 minutes when it comes to young people between 18 and 29 years old).

The curious thing, and even more worrying, is that

despite the increasing incorporation of women into the labor market, gender differences in the distribution of domestic tasks persist over time and even increase with the arrival of children


The consequences of inequalities that occur within the family may be more serious than many think.

In fact, the

European Commission

warns that this problem leads

women to lower paid jobs and sectors

and limits their professional growth.

A mythical song that adapts to the new times

When "

Los Payasos de la Tele


Gaby, Fofó and Miliki

, sang that of "Monday before lunch, a girl went to play, but she couldn't play, because she had to iron, that's how she ironed like that, like that, that's how she ironed like that, That's how I ironed that I saw it ... "almost no one stopped to assess the meaning of the song.

Today, there are many who consider that this letter is outdated


For the iconic song "

The days of the week

" to remain valid today, it needs

a new lyrics that educate in values

and that collect the message that housework is everyone's responsibility.

To do this,


has proposed that society participate in the creation of a new letter through its social networks and with the

hashtag #LosRolesCambian


A letter that addresses the problem of inequality in the distribution of household tasks

that still continues to occur in many Spanish households.

The new song can be heard in a few months.

The result of this initiative is Ariel's new campaign in which the song of "

Los Payasos de la Tele

" puts a teenager at the center of the responsibility of laundry, with whom he intends to appeal that laundry belongs to everyone, beyond fathers or mothers.

A new lyrics for the new song that are being worked on in order to reflect

the importance of moving towards an egalitarian society

, but that arises with the purpose of serving as

inspiration to new generations



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