
Straubing (dpa / lby) - The former federal chairman of the Jusos, Johanna Uekermann, does not want to run again as deputy Bavarian SPD leader.

“After four years in this exciting position, I would like to concentrate more on my professional future,” said Uekermann to the “Straubinger Tagblatt” (Wednesday).

The 33-year-old heads the training academy of the Railway and Transport Union (EVG).

Uekermann was Juso chairwoman for four years until 2017, and since then she has been one of three deputy state chairmen.

For two years she was also a member of the presidium at the federal level, and she remains a member of the party executive committee in Berlin.

The Lower Bavarian still leaves open whether she wants to run for the SPD federal executive again at the end of the year.

She only wanted to decide this after the general election in the fall, she told the newspaper.

The Bavarian SPD wants to host its state party on April 24th.

State chairwoman Natascha Kohnen will also offer her post at the meeting.


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Uekermann portrait on the side of the Federal SPD

Newspaper report