
Kiel / Hamburg (dpa / lno) - Hamburgers and Schleswig-Holsteiners can, under certain conditions, be vaccinated against Covid-19 in the other federal state.

Employees of Hamburg's hospitals and care facilities who live in Schleswig-Holstein can have themselves vaccinated at work, said a spokesman for the Ministry of Health in Kiel.

At the same time, Hamburg residents who are eligible for vaccination and who work in Schleswig-Holstein can in future be vaccinated at the planned vaccination center in Norderstedt.

"A possible exchange of vaccination doses, if there should be significant differences, is planned - possible differences have not yet been determined," said the ministry spokesman.

The Hamburg health authority said that no offsetting of the vaccine doses was currently planned.

Hamburg's mayor Peter Tschentscher (SPD) criticized the amount of vaccine allocated to the city at the beginning of January as being too small.

It is ignored that the Hamburg health system supplies the entire metropolitan region with around five million people.

Many commuters from neighboring countries are also employed in the hospitals and care facilities and are now being vaccinated in Hamburg.

When allocating the vaccine, the Hanseatic city was only taken into account based on its population, the head of government had complained.


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