
Oldenburg (dpa / lni) - Actually, he was only stuck with his car in the mud - but the Oldenburg police found a whole range of crimes in a 30-year-old.

After notification on Thursday, it was initially found that the driver from Bad Zwischenahn was drunk and drugged.

The car got stuck in a muddy meadow on Wednesday, but the driver couldn't make out the engine.

He didn't have a key, but put a screwdriver in the ignition.

This suggested that the car had been stolen - and it wasn't insured either.

When checking, the man gave a wrong name.

When it was searched, the correct ID was found.

A security label was still on his sweater, and the item of clothing was also believed to have been stolen.

When the man was finally about to have his blood drawn, he kicked a policeman in the knee.

This resulted in another complaint for resisting law enforcement officers.

The police said the origin of the car was still unclear.

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