
Berlin (dpa) - The current calendar sheet for February 5, 2021:

5th calendar week, 36th day of the year

329 days until the end of the year



Name day: Adelheid, Agatha, Albuin, Paul



2020 - In the impeachment proceedings against Donald Trump, the US Senate acquits the president of all charges.

2020 - With the help of the CDU and AfD, the FDP politician Thomas Kemmerich will be elected Prime Minister of Thuringia in the third ballot.

The previous head of government Bodo Ramelow (left) narrowly fails.

After political turmoil and pressure, Kemmerich resigns, but officially remains in office until Ramelow is elected on March 4th.

2019 - After filing for insolvency, the Berlin Germania airline ceases operations.

Germania was the fourth largest airline in Germany, had 1,700 employees and carried around four million passengers a year.


2016 - The Himalayan Kingdom of Bhutan has a little crown prince.

Jigme Namgyal Wangchuck is the first child for King Jigme Khesar Namgyal Wangchuck and Queen Jetsun Pema.

2001 - Bertelsmann takes over the majority in Europe's leading television and radio company RTL Group.

1991 - The Federal Constitutional Court strengthens the role of public service broadcasting in a fundamental decision.

The basic service mandate is followed by a "continuity and development guarantee" from the public broadcasters.

In competition with the private sector, they are likely to be economically active.

1989 - 20-year-old Chris Gueffroy is shot dead while trying to escape at the Berlin Wall.

He is considered to be the last dead at the Wall.

1961 - The Sunday Telegraph appears for the first time in Great Britain.

1956 - On the last day of the VII Olympic Winter Games in Cortina d'Ampezzo, ski jumper Harry Glaß wins a bronze medal for the all-German team.

He is the first medal winner from the GDR at the Olympic Games.



1971 - Terezia Mora (50), German-speaking Hungarian writer, German Book Prize 2013 for “Das Ungeheuer”

1961 - Dietmar Bär (60), German actor («Tatort», «What doesn't fit is made to fit»)

1946 - Charlotte Rampling (75), British actress (“The Night Porter”), European Film Award for her life's work 2015

1936 - Horst Fascher (85), German music manager, co-founder and managing director of the “Star Club” in Hamburg.

The appearances of the early Beatles there established their world fame

1921 - Ken Adam, British film architect (equipment for seven James Bond films and more than 60 other large-scale productions), died 2016


2020 - Kirk Douglas, American actor ("Spartacus"), producer and director, born in 1916

2009 - Dana Vavrova, German actress (“A piece of heaven”, “Rama dama”, “Herbstmilch”), born in 1967

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