
Dresden (dpa / sn) - The left-wing politician Rico Gebhardt considers a “Round Table Corona” to be necessary in order to develop an exit strategy for the pandemic.

"We can't shimmy from lockdown to lockdown, that drives everyone crazy," he said on Wednesday on the sidelines of the state parliament session.

Rather, a clear perspective is needed.

"The pandemic is not just a health crisis, it is leaving deep social scars."

Social security for those who suffered particularly from the measures is also necessary.

The left wanted to introduce a corresponding application in the state parliament on Wednesday evening.

Corona will also be the central topic of the current hour in the parliamentary session on Thursday.

Gebhardt emphasized that "people who torpedo the fight against pandemics" should not be represented at the round table, but those who want to participate constructively.

He named charities, civil society organizations, interest groups for free culture, trade unions, parent and student representatives as well as chambers of crafts and business associations.

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