
Berlin (dpa) - Restitutions of Nazi looted property or colonial objects from the possession of foundations should be easier in the future.

The Federal Cabinet initiated a corresponding regulation on Wednesday in Berlin with a draft law to standardize foundation law.

This makes it clear that foundations are not prevented from returning their cultural assets because they are part of the foundation assets to be preserved.

So far, this has resulted in legal uncertainties for foundations.

Minister of State for Culture Monika Grütters (CDU) hopes that the necessary restitutions can thus be realized.

"Because these are also in the well-understood interests of the foundations concerned."

The restitution of cultural assets seized as a result of Nazi persecution was an "essential element in coming to terms with the National Socialist reign of terror".

Federal Justice Minister Christine Lambrecht (SPD) called the reform an "important step for the more than 23,000 foundations with legal capacity in Germany".

So far there has been a juxtaposition of federal and state regulations for the foundations, which leads to differences in the foundation practice of the states.

This will be regulated nationwide in the future in the civil code.


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