
February 03, 2021At nearly 132 years old, the Eiffel Tower is undergoing the largest makeover in its history ahead of the 2024 Olympic Games. The famous "Iron Lady", one of the most visited monuments in the world, which was originally red when it was presented at the 1889 Universal Exposition, it will regain the "yellow-brown" color desired by its builder Gustave Eiffel in 1907.

"It will give the Eiffel Tower a little more Olympics glamor than the color we used to see", he points out. Patrick Branco Ruivo, managing director of Sete, the operating company of the monument.

“You can already see the new color when you look up. It's not revolutionary, but when there's a beautiful blue sky over Paris, we see some metallic and shiny effects,” he adds. Begun in 2019 with an expected end in November 2022, the restyling - stripping and painting - is titanic given the 18,000 parts connected by 2.5 million rivets. The intervention cost fifty million euros.