, February 2nd. According to the US "World Journal" report, the snowstorm has swept New York City for three consecutive days starting from January 31. Chinese restaurants in the Chinese district said that they have deployed their staff in advance to prepare for the surge in extreme weather. Order.

However, some large restaurants said that food delivery is a drop in turnover and it is better to close their doors to ensure employee safety.

  In order to cope with the blizzard weather, Lin Guoyao, the owner of Jiutangwu, said that he has made preparations. Previously, the winter blizzard was considered when creating the outdoor dining area. Therefore, regardless of the materials and design, they were carried the wind and snow, and they were also purchased in advance. Snow salt and snow shovel to ensure that daily operations resume as soon as possible after the blizzard.

  According to past experience, take-out orders will increase sharply during snowstorms. Lin Guoyao said that starting from January 31st, restaurants will increase take-out staff and plan to extend take-out until around 4 am during the blizzard.

  Sophia, the manager of a Sichuan restaurant in Manhattan, pointed out that although there are many deliveries in the snowstorm, a large number of orders have to be cancelled due to bad road conditions.

  Sophia said that in addition to its own take-out staff, restaurants have also joined various food delivery platforms, but according to the last heavy snow, the business was busy during the snowstorm and the take-out staff could not be delivered.

“Many orders are received but no one can deliver them. The food delivery platforms can only cancel them, and some platforms will pay for them, but some can only be digested by restaurants.”

  She also said, “The delivery staff working in Manhattan mainly rely on motorcycles or bicycles. The bad weather will have a greater impact. We are not at ease about the safety of delivery staff. Although there are more orders, it actually does not improve the business much.”

  For large restaurants, takeaway orders are a drop in the bucket.

Chen Shanzhuang, the owner of the Golden Palace Restaurant, pointed out that many Chinese restaurants have decided to suspend business for one day on February 1, and then decide whether to open the door depending on the weather.

Chen Shanzhuang said, “Large restaurants have large operating expenses and delivery orders are not as good as small restaurants. It is not safe for employees to come to work in a snowstorm, so it is better to close the door directly.”

  The Brooklyn delivery clerk Lin Jieyang also said that the annual snowstorm is a "distress day". Although some customers will tip more in bad weather, the delivery speed is greatly reduced, and in fact they earn no more than usual. The road conditions are all challenges. Some takeaways who have made enough money will choose to rest on these days, but people like me can only grit their teeth." (Huang Yiyi)