In 2020, 90 women were killed by their spouses and ex-spouses, up from 146 the previous year.

For associations, it is too early to accurately identify the reasons for this drop, but also to know whether it reflects a real underlying trend or is only temporarily linked, in particular, to confinement. 

If he qualifies these results as "still too modest", Eric Dupond-Moretti considers that they are "bearers of hope".

The Minister of Justice announced Tuesday that 90 women had been killed by their spouses and ex-spouses in 2020, a figure which is very much lower than the 146 femicides recorded by the government in 2019. But this decrease reflects for so much a fundamental trend?

It is undoubtedly too early to affirm it, warn the associations, cautious. 


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The decline is in any case undoubtedly strong.

Feminicides have fallen by more than a third compared to 2019. This is the lowest figure since the government began to identify them fifteen years ago.

But in previous years, the trend was rather upward.

The figures for the coming years will be scrutinized

The main avenue to explain this figure is the mobilization and prevention that there was in particular during the first confinement.

But for Caroline De Haas, of the NousToutes collective, there is still a need for hindsight to make this figure speak.

"Is it due to the particular health situation?", She wonders.

"To the few measures taken during the Grenelle which began to apply in 2020? Or is it due to an awareness of society which is making things happen?"

According to the feminist activist, "what will allow us to say it are the figures for next year and those for the year after". 

In addition, reports of domestic violence have increased significantly, with an increase of + 9% last year.

But for the Ministry of Justice, it is precisely because the subject has been central and highly publicized.

The victims came forward more, went more to lodge a complaint, and were able to be taken care of in time.