
Munich (dpa / lby) - Children and parents, teachers and educators in Bavaria must continue to be patient as to whether and which further opening steps there will be from February 15 at schools and daycare centers.

Decisions on this would only be made next week, i.e. again at relatively short notice, said State Chancellor Florian Herrmann (CSU) and Minister of Education Michael Piazolo (Free Voters) on Tuesday after a video switch from the cabinet in Munich.

You have to wait for the further development of the corona numbers.

"Corona does not always allow planning security," said Piazolo.

According to Piazolo and Health Minister Klaus Holetschek (CSU), the state government is working on various scenarios - and on a test concept for schools.

But this test concept is still being discussed, said Holetschek.

It is therefore open, for example, who exactly could be tested, the question of voluntariness or the question of the incidence values.

Since Monday, graduating classes at grammar schools have returned to alternating classes - according to Piazolo, 2.4 percent of all students.

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