
Berlin (dpa / bb) - Berlin expects replenishment of the vaccine against the coronavirus: 29,250 vaccine doses from the manufacturer Pfizer / Biontech are due to arrive in the capital on Tuesday, as the health administration announced.

In the coming week, specifically on February 10, the fourth of six planned vaccination centers will open, as it was said.

It is the vaccination center at the former Tegel Airport.

So far, the vaccination centers in the Arena Treptow, in the Erika-Heß-Eisstadion in Wedding and under the radio tower on the exhibition grounds are open.

But none of them are working to full capacity because there is not enough vaccine.


At a “vaccination summit” with the manufacturers on Monday, the federal and state governments agreed to coordinate more closely on the gradually expected delivery quantities.

In future, they want to model certain assumptions in a “national vaccination plan” in order to be able to better estimate vaccine quantities in advance.

After the “vaccination summit”, Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) reaffirmed the goal of offering all German citizens a vaccination offer by the end of summer on September 21.

The delivery quantities are expected to increase significantly by the summer, according to a new estimate by the Ministry of Health, which became known on Monday.

"You have to be honest, as of today, say: It will be tight in the first quarter," said Berlin's Governing Mayor Michael Müller (SPD) after the vaccination summit.

The expectations of the people could not yet be met 100 percent here because the production - that became clear in the round on Monday - could not be expanded at will.

From the second quarter onwards, so much vaccine will be available that it will progress “in great strides”, Müller was convinced.


According to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), more than 130,000 doses of vaccine have been injected in Berlin so far (as of January 31).

Around 33,000 people have already received their second Pikser.

For immunization, each person must be vaccinated twice with an interval of several weeks.

© dpa-infocom, dpa: 210202-99-263020 / 2

Corona situation in Berlin

RKI vaccination numbers