
Dessau-Roßlau (dpa / sa) - For the second time in a row, the AfD parliamentary group failed to overturn the applicable corona restrictions in the country by making an urgent application to the state constitutional court.

The judges in Dessau-Roßlau refused to override several rules of the current regulation with immediate effect, as a court spokeswoman announced on Tuesday afternoon.

Among other things, the plaintiffs want to overturn the strict contact rules, the ordered closure of hotels and restaurants, the ban on serving alcohol in public and the 15-kilometer radius for people in Corona hotspots.

The measures violate fundamental rights and are unconstitutional.

The state constitutional court left it open as to whether the arguments of the AfD parliamentary group could be successful in an intensive examination of the lawsuit in the main proceedings, but still rejected the urgent application.

The disadvantages for protection against infection are higher if it turns out in retrospect that the measures are constitutional than the negative consequences for the restricted rights if the ordinance turns out to be unconstitutional after the main hearing.

With similar arguments, the court had justified in December why it rejected the urgent application against the Corona regulation at the time.

In the coming weeks, the court will deal intensively with the questions of whether the state government can impose the strict restrictions on fundamental rights - and whether the rules are understandable enough.

On Tuesday there was an oral hearing on the rules of the no longer valid 8th regulation.

On March 9th, the current measures will follow.

Court President Lothar Franzkowiak announced a judgment for March 26th.


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Communication of the state constitutional court on the urgent decision 9th containment ordinance