
Potsdam (dpa / bb) - Despite extended delivery commitments by the vaccine manufacturers, according to Brandenburg's Prime Minister Dietmar Woidke (SPD), only some of those with priority rights can initially be vaccinated.

Although the manufacturers had declared that they would be able to deliver the originally promised amount of vaccine in the first quarter by the end of March, Woidke said on Monday after the “vaccination summit” of the federal and state governments.

"But we still have an administration of the shortage in the first quarter, that's the way it is," emphasized the head of government.

Therefore, only a third of the over 80-year-olds in the country could be vaccinated by the end of March, said Woidke.

A significantly increased amount of vaccine was then promised for the second quarter, said Woidke.

Then there should be a national vaccination plan in which the vaccination quantities for all federal states should be determined.

In addition, a platform should be set up at the Federal Ministry of Economics, where the required raw materials for vaccines should be listed, announced Woidke.

Then chemical and pharmaceutical companies from Brandenburg could also participate in the delivery of these substances.


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