
Tokyo (dpa) - The corona boom at Nintendo continues: Last Christmas business brought the best sales of the Switch game console to date.

The Japanese games specialist has now raised its forecasts for the current financial year for the second time, having exceeded the previous targets after nine months.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, business has been much better at Nintendo: people spend more time at home and playing video games.

In the Christmas quarter, almost 11.6 million switch consoles were purchased.

It was a highly competitive quarter on the video game market: Sony and Microsoft also brought out new generations of their Playstation and Xbox consoles.

However, with massive delivery bottlenecks, they were hard to come by.


A total of around 80 million switch consoles have been sold since the market launch in March 2017.

This creates the basis for strong game sales.

The most popular track recently was "Animal Crossing".

The game, in which you can design an island with animated characters, was bought a good 5.1 million times in the Christmas quarter alone.

Sales in the third quarter of fiscal year ended December rose by 9.7 percent to 634.9 billion yen (a good five billion euros), as Nintendo announced on Monday.

The profit there was a jump of almost 22 percent to 163.5 billion yen (1.3 billion euros).

Nintendo expects 26 million Switch consoles to be sold in the fiscal year ending March.

Originally, the target was 19 million - but Nintendo had sold a good 24 million by the end of December.

The same is true for sales: the annual forecast was raised to 1.6 trillion yen (12.6 billion euros) after the improved forecast of 1.4 trillion yen was reached after the Christmas quarter.

Nintendo is now preparing for an annual profit of 400 billion yen - 55 percent more than in the previous fiscal year.


© dpa-infocom, dpa: 210201-99-252314 / 2

Nintendo on current business