
Berlin (dpa) - Above all, the well-running industry in Brandenburg is dampening the macroeconomic effects of the Corona crisis according to a recent survey.

"In the middle of the crisis, the industry in Brandenburg is doing business again," said Jan Eder, General Manager of the Chambers of Commerce and Industry (IHK) Berlin-Brandenburg.

In the most recent economic survey by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, 86 percent of the industry rated their business situation as good or satisfactory.

As in Berlin, the economic situation in the state is very different for the individual industries.

"All other industries stated that they would cut jobs in the next few months," said the chief executive of the IHK Ostbrandenburg, Gundolf Schülke.

According to a survey by the Potsdam Chamber of Commerce and Industry, around 10 percent of companies are threatened with bankruptcy.

In individual industries it is also 15 to 18 percent.

"We need a perspective of opening up - piece by piece and taking into account all areas of health protection," said Eder.

The construction industry assessed its own business prospects surprisingly weak.

The industry has come through the crisis much better than others.

In Brandenburg, around 37 percent of the companies surveyed there stated that they expected a worse business situation for the summer.

In autumn the share was only 23 percent.


The situation has worsened across all sectors, especially for smaller companies, while companies with more than 50 employees do better on average.

That's bad because smaller companies are the backbone of the Berlin and Brandenburg economies, ”said Eder.

The new Tesla plant in Grünheide and its likely effects on the employment situation in Brandenburg were not included in the evaluation, it said.

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Business Survey Berlin-Brandenburg