
Berlin / Wewelsfleth (dpa) - Equipped with an Alfred Döblin grant, nine Berlin authors live and work for three months in Wewelsfleth in Schleswig-Holstein this year.

The Alfred-Döblin-Haus there goes back to a donation from the writer Günter Grass (1927-2015) to the State of Berlin.

At the invitation of the Akademie der Künste and the Berlin Cultural Administration, Carmen-Francesca Banciu, Emma Braslavsky, Henryk Gericke, Miku Sophie Kühmel, Rea Mair, Thorsten Nagelschmidt, Ralph Tharayil, Sonja vom Brocke and Peter Wawerzinek can each rent the three furnished rooms with 2,000 euros per month Withdraw apartments.

According to information on Monday, the jury, which included PEN President Regula Venske, had discussed 95 applications.

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Academy for the Alfred Döbler scholarship