
Bad Kissingen (dpa / lby) - A nine-year-old fell into the Saale in Bad Kissingen, which was swollen due to flooding.

Emergency services rescued him and his father from an island, as the police announced on Sunday.

The boy fell into the river in Luitpoldpark that afternoon, and his mother and father jumped after to help him.

Unlike the mother, father and son did not come back to shore by themselves, but continued to drift away.

They had reached an island, but the way back through the water was too dangerous.

40 emergency services were on hand to rescue them.

Father, mother and son came to a clinic with hypothermia.

Melting snow and rain caused streams and rivers to burst their banks in many regions of Bavaria at the weekend.

In Bad Kissingen, reporting level 2 was exceeded at the golf course gauge on Sunday afternoon.

The water management office expected the water level to drop below Monday night.

© dpa-infocom, dpa: 210131-99-247209 / 2


Flood warnings