
Hamburg (dpa / lno) - The State Criminal Police Office has arrested five men who are said to be responsible for several break-ins and an armed robbery in Hamburg-Billstedt.

The police announced on Sunday that arrest warrants were issued against two main suspects, 35 and 37 years old.

The investigation against the five men continues.

On Friday evening, several officials had searched the suspects' homes and two cafés belonging to the main suspects in different parts of Hamburg.

The police found extensive evidence, including ammunition, gun parts, various new sports shoes and 5200 euros.

In addition, there were 15 illegally installed slot machines in the two pubs, which were also seized.

Among other things, the men are said to be responsible for an armed robbery on a sports shop in the Billstedt shopping center in August.

The perpetrators forced the employees to open a safe while holding weapons and fled with several thousand euros of booty.

A few days later, the suspects are said to have broken into the same shop.


Furthermore, they are also said to have broken into the sports shop in July and stole around 100 pairs of new sports shoes in addition to a few thousand euros in cash.

They are also accused of stealing a small amount of cash and various cigarette cartons and packets of cigarettes when breaking into a gas station in December.

© dpa-infocom, dpa: 210131-99-242489 / 2

Press release

Police press release following the robbery on August 5, 2020