- Withdrawals for child care increased significantly from the beginning of March.

During the summer, it fell to normal levels to increase again in the autumn to a level we have never seen before, says Niklas Löfgren, family comics spokesperson at the Swedish Social Insurance Agency.

Close to two billion kronor

The increase took place throughout the country, according to the Swedish Social Insurance Agency.

- More children have been home more days than usual.

The total amount paid out was SEK 8.1 billion compared to SEK 6.4 billion the year before - an increase of SEK 1.7 billion, says Niklas Löfgren to SVT Nyheter.

The increase in VAB days applies throughout Skåne County, both in larger and smaller municipalities.

Both large and small resorts

In the metropolitan region of Malmö, the number of so-called net days increased by 53,375 between 2019 and 2020. In Helsingborg, 21,008 more days were “waved” than the previous year. 

Even in smaller towns, the increase is noticeable.

In Hörby, the vab days increased by 5,328 and in Perstorp by 271. 

- Skåne does not stand out in the statistics, but it is the same increase in the whole country, says Niklas Löfgren.