
Bleckede (dpa / lni) - Two break-ins in the small town of Bleckede in the Lüneburg district resulted in damage of tens of thousands of euros.

As the police announced on Friday, unknown perpetrators gained access to a car dealership during the night by breaking a window.

They searched offices and rioted.

According to the first findings of the police, they tried unsuccessfully to steal two vehicles.

The damage is estimated at tens of thousands of euros.

During a second break-in, also on Friday night, the perpetrators broke a window to break into a medical supply store.

They ravaged the store and damaged three cars and a truck parked in the area of ​​the medical supply store.

The investigators assume around 35,000 euros in damage.

The police are looking for witnesses.

© dpa-infocom, dpa: 210129-99-227123 / 2


Notice from the police