
Cologne (dpa / lnw) - The levels are rising and there can be floods in the bank area: Melted snow and the recent rain cause Rhine floods in North Rhine-Westphalia at the weekend, and smaller rivers are also affected.

"The Rhine will leave its bed," said the head of the flood information service of the State Environmental Agency (Lanuv), Bernd Mehlig, on Friday.

Worrying developments are currently not expected.

Cities located on the Rhine such as Cologne and Leverkusen prepared for the flood with protective measures.

In the cathedral city, it was expected that the steeply rising water level would climb to 5.80 meters by Saturday morning and to around 7 meters during the night on Sunday, as the city drainage company announced.

From the mark 6.2 meters at the Cologne level, shipping is restricted there.

Ships have to go slower and in the middle to avoid larger waves.

From the level of 8.30 meters, shipping is completely stopped.

According to an overview by Lanuv, it was already possible on Friday that several small rivers overran and, for example, flooded roads or meadows nearby.

Corresponding water levels were reported by the Sieg, Agger and Rur near Monschau.


© dpa-infocom, dpa: 210129-99-220564 / 2

StEB notification

DWD information


Water levels in NRW

Lanuv overview