Certain habits and actions lead to damage to the spine and thus cause back pain, what are they?

And how does it hurt the spine?

In this report, published by "Good House" in its Russian version, writer Vera Irmakova reviews some of the habits that affect the integrity of the spine and may cause many problems, especially in old age.

1- Smoking

Smoking is not only harmful to the health of the heart and blood vessels, but also affects the spine, as it can cause erosion of the intervertebral discs or what is known as cartilage.

In fact, smoking affects the flow of blood and lymph fluid in the cartilage, leading to dehydration and deficiency of essential nutrients.

The longer the smoking period, the worse the condition.

2- Not eating milk and its derivatives

There is no doubt that calcium is an essential element for bone health, especially after the age of 45 years.

Dairy foods are rich in calcium, and not eating them increases the risk of osteoporosis with age, and thus affects the integrity of the spine.

 3- Back curvature

The older a person gets and the less they move and the activity, the harder it is to maintain a straight back.

In general, the importance of straightening the spine increases with age, so after the age of thirty it is necessary to persevere in stretching and straightening exercises.

 4- Mobile addiction

Excessive mobile phone use affects the health of the spine.

Bending over in front of the screen for long periods increases the load on the upper back and may later lead to slipped disc.

5- Sitting for long periods of time

If your job requires long periods of sitting at the desk, you need to take some steps to keep your spine healthy.

First, you should take a short break every hour and do some movements.

Second, some exercises should be done to avoid back and neck pain.

Finally, try to replace the office chair with the rubber ball at least an hour a day, and this will give you a lot of comfort.

6- Drink a lot of coffee

Coffee is a healthy drink, but it is important to note that caffeine reduces calcium in the body, which increases the risk of developing bone problems.

If she drinks a lot of coffee, make sure to eat adequate amounts of calcium-rich foods.

7- Carrying large bags

One of the bad habits that negatively affects the health of the spine is carrying large and full bags.

It is best to avoid this habit and use alternative means of carrying heavy things.

8- High-heeled shoes

Wearing high heels is the spine’s first enemy.

If you are not ready to completely give up these types of shoes, try to wear them as little as possible.