
Frankfurt / Main (dpa / lhe) - With a vigil, students from Northern Hesse demanded tougher criminal prosecution of right-wing extremist violence before the judgment was pronounced in the trial of the murder of the Kassel district president Walter Lübcke.

In front of the higher regional court in Frankfurt on Thursday they held up portraits of the murdered CDU politician and a banner with the words “Democratic values ​​are immortal”.

The students come from their hometown of Lübcke, Wolfhagen, their school was renamed "Walter-Lübcke-Schule".

«The processing of the case is not completed with the verdict.

The danger posed by right-wing extremist acts of violence remains, ”said a message that they shared with the“ Open to Diversity - Closed Against Exclusion ”initiative.

Offenders would have to be persecuted and punished consistently and without compromise.

The school is planning further campaigns and projects.

The democratic legacy of Lübcke should not be forgotten.

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