
Mainz (dpa / lrs) - A bicycle relay will also be used to monitor traffic in Mainz.

Eight e-bikes were bought, plus four existing bicycles without electric drive, said a city spokeswoman on Thursday.

As soon as the weather gets better, the inspectors will also be on the road.

Otherwise, traffic is monitored by car or on foot.

The proportion of cyclists in traffic in Mainz has been rising steadily for years: in 2019 it was 25 percent, in 2008 it was 12 percent.

With the use of the bicycle relay, the city hopes to get to the checkpoints more quickly.

In addition, areas that are closed to motor vehicles, such as pedestrian zones, could be checked by bike.

For the purchase of the e-bikes with a total value of around 25,700 euros, a new company car was dispensed with.

Equipping the employees with cycling shorts and helmets cost a total of 8,000 euros.


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