
Dresden (dpa) - According to the Ifo Institute, the mood in the East German economy cooled down again in January.

The companies assessed their current situation and expectations for the next few weeks as significantly worse than at the end of the year, as the economic researchers announced on Thursday.

The business climate index for the regional economy fell from 92.4 to 88.7 points.

In the east German service sector in particular, the business climate fell sharply: both assessments of the situation and business expectations fell sharply, it said.

The mood also collapsed in retail and in the construction industry.

Only in industry did the business climate rise slightly, and expectations for the next six months rose somewhat.

The Ifo business climate for East Germany is based on around 1700 monthly reports from companies in various industries.

You are asked to assess your current business situation and share your expectations for the next six months.

The Ifo index is a leading indicator for the economy.


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