
Leipzig (dpa / sn) - According to the health insurance company Barmer, the work situation in nursing has a massive impact on the health of employees.

She comes to this conclusion in her current care report, which was presented on Thursday in Leipzig.

According to this, the occupational group of elderly care workers in nursing homes ranks at the top with the number of days absent (30 on average).

«Absences due to illness have an impact on the other colleagues who have to take over the work.

That creates a vicious circle, ”explained the state manager of Barmer in Saxony, Fabian Magerl.

The nursing profession is so exhausting that a disproportionately large number of employees do not hold out until they retire.

«Further studies have found that a nurse only works in geriatric care for about twelve years and the proportion of nurses with a disability pension is up to twice as high as in other professions.

We have to take countermeasures here, ”emphasized Magerl.

In addition to regular working hours, according to him, employers should also focus more on provision.

"So prevention offers for the employees in the individual facilities must become the standard."

According to Barmer, only 21.6 percent of the 18,200 nursing staff in inpatient facilities were employed full-time in Saxony in 2017 - the lowest rate nationwide.

In addition, for every 100 people in need of inpatient care in the Free State of Bavaria, there were 24 skilled nurses and 12 nursing assistants;

the national average was 27 and 17 respectively. Almost 80 percent of the nursing staff are women, more than 30 percent of them are over 55 years old.

The Barmer did not have any more recent figures.


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