
Gera (dpa / th) - The hairdressing and cosmetic salons in East Thuringia are pushing for the reopening of the businesses from February 15.

The Chamber of Crafts for East Thuringia announced on Thursday in Gera that 70 percent of over 1000 companies in the industry surveyed are ready to tighten their hygiene measures further.

At the same time, the companies complained that the promised support had not yet been paid out or had not even been applied for.

"The situation of the companies is sometimes dramatic," underlined Chamber President Wolfgang Jacob.

In almost 40 percent of the hairdressing and cosmetics businesses surveyed, the financial reserves were only sufficient for a maximum of two weeks.

At the end of February, the liquidity reserves of 60 percent of the salons were then exhausted.

“In East Thuringia, we are threatened with dying of many long-standing hairdressing and cosmetics businesses.

The reserves - often also the private assets of the owner families - have been used up. "

In this context, Jacob pointed out that the application for bridging aid III would not be possible until February.

That is too late for many salons.


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