
Berlin (dpa / bb) - With the addition of a pedestrian section to the Mobility Act, Berlin is setting nationwide standards, according to Transport Senator Regine Günther.

"With this amendment, a German federal state regulates its foot traffic policy on a legal basis for the first time," said the Green politician before the amendment to the law was passed by the German press agency.

"This gives foot traffic a whole new role."

Plans and projects would become much more binding, explained Günther.

“We want to accelerate the conversion of the city into a livable, people-friendly place.

Walking should become attractive for more and more people.

Berlin is setting nationwide standards for upgrading pedestrian traffic in cities. "

The House of Representatives passed a corresponding amendment to the law on Thursday.

Among other things, this should make it easier to set up zebra crossings, central islands and play streets on a temporary basis.

Traffic light phases should be more pedestrian-friendly and the needs of older pedestrians should be given greater consideration.


"Walking is the most environmentally friendly way of getting around the city," says Günther.

"The promotion of pedestrian traffic is therefore always a step towards a liveable city."

It is also about fairness of area in the division of public space.

"We want to make Berlin's streets and squares as pedestrian-friendly as possible: with enough space, with direct routes, without barriers."

In mid-2018, the Berlin House of Representatives passed the first nationwide mobility law.

It gives priority to local public transport and bicycle traffic over car traffic and provides, among other things, the massive expansion of the bicycle infrastructure.

After the pedestrian section, which is now being supplemented, further sections on commercial traffic and intelligent mobility are to follow.

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