
Nuremberg / Hamburg (dpa / lby) - The Franconian right-wing extremist, who was accused by the Federal Prosecutor on suspicion of preparing a serious violent crime, had contacts with two convicted helpers of the NSU terrorist cell on Thursday, according to information from the magazine "Der Spiegel".

According to the information, the 55-year-old from the district of Nürnberger Land is said to have been active in the so-called prison aid, where right-wing extremists are looked after in prison.

She also kept in contact with the convicted NSU supporters Ralf Wohlleben and André E. Contact when they were in custody, reports "Spiegel", citing investigators.

In addition, the woman should join the neo-Nazi party «The III.

Weg »committed and maintained connections to its federal chairman, Klaus Armstroff.

The right-wing extremist expects a trial before the Munich Higher Regional Court.

The federal prosecutor accuses her of preparing arson attacks on public officials or Muslims.

In addition, she is said to have sent anonymous threatening letters, some with live cartridges.

Addressees were an Islamic community, a refugee aid association, a mayor and a district administrator, reports the magazine


In one of the letters, the district administrator was threatened with shooting on his terrace - this threatening scenario recalls the case of the district president of Kassel, Walter Lübcke, who was killed by a right-wing extremist.

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