
Hamburg (dpa / lno) - The Hanseatic City of Hamburg is now funding a taxi or ambulance service to the vaccination center in the exhibition halls for people with limited mobility.

“The vaccination center is centrally located and has good public transport connections.

However, there may be situations in which it is difficult to get there on your own.

We have now set up support for these cases, ”said Social Senator Melanie Leonhard (SPD) on Wednesday.

The German Red Cross hotline can be reached on 040/58 44 77 daily from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. to check what support is required.

In this way, individual transport needs, such as physical disabilities and taking a wheelchair with you, can be addressed, it said.

If sufficient vaccine against the coronavirus is available again, further appointments will be made shortly.

“The decision comes late, but at least the Senate has now also been able to bring it about,” said Dennis Thering (CDU).

The transport service should be available to all risk patients who have no alternative mobility, demanded the parliamentary group leader of the Christian Democrats in the citizenry.


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