
Potsdam (dpa / bb) - Despite the restrictions on school lessons due to the corona pandemic, Brandenburg's Minister of Education Britta Ernst (SPD) is sticking to the exams in the final classes at key dates.

With fair framework conditions, it should be ensured that pupils who want to acquire their Abitur or the intermediate degree have comparatively good chances of subsequent studies or vocational training, said Ernst on Wednesday according to the announcement.

That is why the Conference of Ministers of Education, which Ernst is chairing this year as president, has agreed on a joint approach for all federal states.

According to the Ministry, the Abitur exams should start on April 21.

The schools are to be given a larger selection of examination tasks and the duration of the written examinations is to be extended by half an hour.

Schoolchildren who have been absent for more than 20 days of classes due to quarantine measures must use the post-registration dates in May.

In the intermediate degree, the written examination in mathematics will be postponed by around two months to May 21, with a rewriting date in early June.

According to the ministry, an adapted assessment key should take into account the fact that individual competencies could not be practiced so much.

The German exams start on April 15th.

In this year, too, the exams are extended by half an hour.


All exams take place as face-to-face events, as the ministry emphasized.

The examinees would also have to take part in places outside the school.

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