Trump's establishment of the "Former President's Office" cited US media speculation: Does he plan to run for president again in 2024?

  [Global Times reporter Zhang Tingge] According to the US "Capitol Hill" report on the 25th, former U.S. President Trump established the "Former President's Office" in Palm Beach County, Florida that day to manage his communications, public statements, appearances, and official Activities and promote the Trump administration’s agenda by advocating and organizing public actions.

After Trump is restricted by social media such as Twitter, the office will become his new platform for political activities.

Data map: Former US President Trump.

  The "Capitol Hill" stated that the name of the "former president's office" made people speculate that "Trump may not plan to run for president again in 2024", but Trump and his advisers have not yet made a clear statement on this.

A person familiar with the matter said that after the establishment of the "Office of the Former President", it is expected that the first propaganda action will be to support Trump's former press secretary Sanders in running for governor of Arkansas.

  In fact, Trump is not the first former president to open an office after leaving office. Many former presidents such as Bush Jr., Obama and Clinton have opened offices.

But Trump was the first to name the office after the title of "former president."

On the same day that Trump’s “Former President’s Office” was announced, the US House of Representatives submitted an impeachment indictment against Trump to the Senate, accusing him of inciting the January 6 riots on Capitol Hill.

Some American commentators joked that if Trump is convicted, the office may be closed, or it should be renamed "the former president's office twice impeached."