
Osnabrück (dpa / lni) - Lower Saxony's Minister of Social Affairs Carola Reimann (SPD) has admitted errors in the delivery of information letters about the corona vaccinations.

"We will certainly not do that again," said the Social Democrat of the "Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung" (Tuesday).

Last week, letters from the Lower Saxony state government about the start of vaccination for people over 80 were also sent to several deceased.

With the letters, for which the Post used its own and incomplete address lists, people over 80 years of age should be informed about the possibility of vaccination in Lower Saxony from February onwards.

In parallel to the Ministry's letter campaign, those affected are also written to by their municipality, which uses their registration data for this purpose.

Reimann resisted criticism of the state government's corona crisis management.

It bothers her that some things are barely noticed.

"We are still comparatively well in Lower Saxony, both in terms of the number of new infections and in terms of death rates," she told the newspaper.

In Lower Saxony, the value of new infections per 100,000 inhabitants within 7 days on Monday morning was 88.6, according to the State Health Office, and the number of deaths was 2986.

"When it comes to daily vaccinations and the quota of vaccinated residents in nursing homes, we are regularly in the top group when compared to other countries," said the minister.

According to the RKI, the vaccination rate in Lower Saxony was 1.6 percent until Sunday - it is one of the lowest among all federal states.

Last week, the state government's corona crisis team announced that there will be delays in the vaccination campaign against the corona virus due to reduced deliveries of the Biontech / Pfizer vaccine.


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