
Hamburg (dpa / lno) - Three weeks after the central Hamburg vaccination center went into operation in the exhibition halls, the first second vaccinations will be carried out there today (from 8 a.m.).

With 500 appointments per day, the number of daily vaccinations will be doubled, said a spokesman for the Hamburg Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians, which operates the vaccination center for the city.

The center is designed for up to 7000 vaccinations per day.

Because of the scarce vaccine, only part of it is currently in operation.

Since January 5th, people over 80 and employees of the nursing services have been called upon to get vaccinated at the center.

According to the Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians, around 11,000 first doses have been administered to date.

Appointments for first and second vaccinations have already been assigned until mid-February.

Due to a delivery bottleneck at the vaccine manufacturers, no new ones are currently being awarded.

Second vaccinations have been carried out in nursing homes in Hamburg for more than a week.

Experts assumed that a first vaccination would only bring about 50 percent protection, said a spokesman for the health authority.

According to the manufacturer, the specified efficiency of over 90 percent is only achieved with the administration of the second dose.


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