
Luxembourg (dpa) - Two cash lovers from Hesse are threatened with defeat in the dispute with the Hessischer Rundfunk over the payment of the license fee after a ruling by the European Court of Justice.

A country with the euro as its currency could require its administration to accept cash, the highest EU judge ruled on Tuesday in Luxembourg.

However, this possibility could also be restricted for reasons of public interest.

The background is the lawsuits of two Germans who had offered the Hessischer Rundfunk to pay the broadcasting fee in cash.

The institution refused and instead sent payment notices.

On the other hand, the persons concerned sued the Federal Administrative Court, which finally appealed to the ECJ.

After Tuesday's ruling, the Federal Administrative Court now has to check whether it is actually proportionate in this case not to allow payment with cash.

In particular, it must be taken into account that the other legal means of payment may not be easily accessible to all persons liable to pay contributions.


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