The postal codes that are included in the survey have at least one resident who has received a positive test result.

This means that the postcodes that do not have anyone infected are not included in the map.

The number of people who became infected differs greatly from postcode to postcode.

On average, there were 50 covid 19 cases per postcode, and the infected were on average 45 years old.

1,350 infected people were under 20 years of age.

In 1850, infected people were 70 years or older.

The oldest was 105 years old and the youngest 0 years.

See how many became infected where you live in the map below: (2020-01-01 - 2020-12-31)

Source: Gävleborg region

The youngest average age was postal code 806 30 in Gävle.

The area had 19 covid 19 cases with an average age of 26 years.

The oldest average age was postal code 802 60 in Gävle.

The area had 89 covid 19 cases with an average age of 70 years.