
Schwerin (dpa / mv) - In the past year, incoming emergency calls to the Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania police triggered an average of 312 operations per day.

A total of 114 258 missions were triggered in 2020, as the Interior Ministry in Schwerin announced on request.

That was around 3300 fewer than a year earlier.

The number of emergency calls was significantly higher - which is also due to the fact that there can be several emergency calls for one operation.

According to the information, 230,982 emergency calls were received by the country's police stations.

In 2019 there were around 11,000 more.

In addition, some people would call the police station directly and not dial 110, which was not included in the number of emergency calls, the ministry said.

The three most common reasons for use in the past year were therefore traffic offenses, general security measures and inadmissible noise.

“Some even dial the emergency number for minor details.

As a rule, however, people come to the station if it is not an emergency, ”said Christian Schumacher, state chairman of the police union (GdP).

The police were the contact point for many questions about the corona pandemic, not everyone knows the telephone number of the districts' corona hotlines.

"Citizens have often asked: Can I do this or not?"


In principle, the work of the police continued to change over the past year.

Issues such as internet fraud would continue to increase rapidly.

According to the union, around 6,200 people currently work for the state police.

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